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Showing posts from May, 2020


What are musical notes ? Musical notes are symbols used to represent sound in music.  Musical notes are used   describes the pitch and the duration of a musical sound.  TYPES OF MUSICAL NOTES There are eight types of musical notes.  1. Breve 2. Semi breve 3. Minim 4. Crochet 5. Quaver 6. Semi quaver 7. Demi semi quaver 8. Hemi demi semi quaver NAMES OF MUSICAL NOTE AND THEIR SHAPES All the eight musical notes have shapes used to represent them. E. g.                        Breve / Double whole note Semi breve / whole note                  Minim Chrochet                                                                          Quaver             ...


BAROQUE PERIOD Baroque period  refers to an  era  that started around 1600 and ended around 1750. This is the period that started after the renaissance period. The  Baroque period   saw an development of new  musical  styles such as  concerto, the sonata and the opera. Derived from the Portuguese  barroco meaning  "imperfect pearl". CHARACTERISTICS OF BAROQUE PERIOD MUSIC 1. The baroque period music saw the invention of several new forms and designs, such as Opera, Sonata, Oratorio, Suite, Fugue, Concerto. 2. During the Baroque period, the orchestra started to take shape. The string section became a self-contained unit. 3. During the Baroque period, instrumental music became equally as important as vocal music. 4. Many different forms are used (e.g. Binary, Fugue) COMPOSERS OF THE BAROQUE PERIOD 1. Johann Sebastian Bach 2. Henry Purcell  3. Antonio Vivaldi 4. George Fredric Handel 5. George Phillip Telemann  INSTRUMENTS US...


What is a chord? A chord consist of three or more notes sounded together in a piece of music.  Chords can also be defined as two or more harmonic notes played at the same time in music. E. G Chords can be built on any note and on any musical scale. TYPES OF CHORDS There are four basic types of chords. 1. Major chords :   Major chords sound f ull, resolved and complete. Major chords are built by adding a root the intervals of a major third and perfect fifth above the root. The root, the starting note of the chord. 2. Minor chords : A minor chord is a chord that has a root, a minor third (3rd) and a perfect fifth (5th) .  Minor chords are built by adding a minor third (three semitones) and perfect fifth above the root. 3. Augmented chords:  Augmented chords sound odd and unsettling. Out of all the basic chords, the augmented is the most rarely heard in music. Augmented chords are built just like simple major chords but with an added raised fifth. 4. Diminished chord : ...


What is a staff? A staff consists of five horizontal lines and four spaces.  E. g.  A staff is used for documenting musical idea's. The lines and spaces are numbered from bottom to top; the bottom line is the  first line  and the topic line is the  fifth line . E. g. TYPES OF STAFF There are two types of staff in music. 1. The normal staff  2. The great staff. 


Orchestra Arrangement There are several reasons why the instruments of an orchestra are placed the way they are. 1. Musicians are located and positioned accordingly to be able to see the conductor easily. 2. All similar instruments are gathered together in several groups. This allows the musicians to hear one another better to accomplish coordinated activities, thus providing harmonic sounding. 3. The quantity of instruments and the sound volume of some specific instrument are not equal. This specific placement allows different instrument groups to achieve smooth (uniform) sound within the orchestra (as a whole). 4.Instruments with lower frequencies are usually located on the audience's right and instruments with higher frequencies are located on the left. The arrangement is divided into four groups: the strings , woodwind, brass and percussion instruments respectively according to the level of loudness of the instruments.   Worksheet 1. Label the different sections of the orchestr...

Video Editing

Class: Year 8 Date: 12 / 5 / 2020 What is video editing? Video editing  is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Video editing encompasses the following Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips The Goals of Editing There are many reasons to edit a video and your editing approach will depend on the desired outcome. Before you begin you must clearly define your editing goals, which could include any of the following: Remove unwanted footage This is the simplest and most common task in editing. Many videos can be dramatically improved by simply getting rid of the flawed or unwanted bits. Choose the best footage It is common to shoot far more footage than you actually need and choose only the best material for the final edit. Often you will shoot several versions (takes) of a shot and choose the best one when editi...


What is drama personnel Drama personnel can be defined as the group of professionals brought together for a drama production. Drama personnel are divided into two groups namely; * The cast crew * Production crew The Production Crew The production crew members are the professionals who handle different technical aspect of the production such as light, sound, costume, make-up, etc The production crew is divided into two, * The Technical Crew  - Make - up artist - Set designer - Sound manager - Light manager - Costumier etc.  * The Artist Crew - Director - Stage manager - Assistant director etc.


Sub-Topic: Drama creation and improvisation. 11 / 05 / 2020 Class: year 7 The following are different techniques that can be used when creating a drama either scripted or u scripted. 1.Storytelling : A story is an actual or fictional account of an event or series of events. Plays can be created from the act of storytelling. Stories of past events and historical situations can be presented. A good storyteller who presents a play will further help to make such a play more interesting. 2.  Improvisation : This involves the ability to compose, act or perform on the spur of the moment; that is, without any pre-planning . 3.  Songs and Dance : A play could also be presented in the form of songs or dance, as in an opera. In dance drama, the dialogues are usually presented in the form of songs accompanied with music and dance 4.  Mime : This is the art of carrying out an action in a dramatic performance without using words. Th...


Topic: Finger Positioning On The Piano Class: Year 1 Date: 6 / 5 / 2020 Finger Positioning On The Piano Understanding proper finger position is important and very necessary when learning how to play a piano. It doesn't matter if you have been playing before or you're  just a beginner starting to play scales and some simple songs, if you exercise and train your hands and fingers early and regularly, you sure will find it simple and very easy to progress from simple music pieces  to more complex pieces of music. In our lesson today, we will start learning how to number our fingers in preparation for our piano playing class. How are the fingers numbered Numbering starts with your thumb as number 1 and goes to your pinky finger as number 5. Below is an analysis of what number is assigned to what finger. * Thumb is 1 * Index finger is 2 * Middle finger is 3 * Ring finger is 4 * Pinky finger is 5 Study the diagram below.           ...


Topic: what is film making? Class: year 8 Date: 5 / 5 / 2020 What is film making ? Film making is a technique of telling creative ideas, innovative ideas, state of mind or thinking to a large number of people through visual mediums. It can also be defined as the art of expressing stories in visual forms. Film making doesn't really need to be very long or lengthy. It can be in form of short story, documentaries, commercial, etc . Elements of film making * character * Plot * Conflict * Climax * Resolution * Scene * Dialogue * Visuals * color etc. How to make a short film a. Come up with an idea b. Decide on a budget c. Get straight into action d. Get a treatment e. Get feedback f. Great a storyboard g. Edit carefully h. Get your film out there.


What is drama? Drama is play written for actors and actresses to act on stage. It can also be define as the expression of life experiences through actions, gestures, imitation in front of an audience etc. The word drama comes from a Greek word "dran" which means 'to do'. Elements of drama The following are some elements of drama. 1. Plot 2. Character 3. Theme 4. Audience 5. Spectacle 6. Diction 7. Dialogue 8. Music etc. Types of drama 1. Comedy 2. Tragedy 3. Farce 4. Tragicomedy 5. Opera 6. Satire Basic forms of drama creation There are two basic forms of drama creation. * Scripted drama :- A kind of drama that is written in a paper for actors and actresses to read through. * Unscripted drama :- An opposite of  the scripted drama. A drama that is not written. It requires more of improvisation. Basic techniques of drama creation 1. Dance 2. Storytelling 3. Music 4. Mime 5. Improvisation IMPORTANCE OF DRAMA IN THE SOCIETY Drama is im...


time signature continued. Simple time signature :- Simple time signatures are the most common time signatures to play. The top numbers in simple time signatures are 2, 3 or 4. Examples of simple time signatures are; 4/4, 2/4, 3/4, 2/2   . Compound time signature :- Beats in compound time signatures are broken down into three rhythms. This simply means  each beat is divided into three.  Examples of compound time signatures are 6/8, 9/8, 12/ 18. Complex time signature :-  Complex time signatures are time signature consisting of odd numbers or meters. Examples of complex time signatures are 5/4, 7/4, 7/8 or 5/8.


SUBJECT:- Music TOPIC:- Time signature. CLASS:- YEAR 7 Date: 03 / 05 / 2020 What is time signature? Time signature in music is defined as two fractions placed at the beginning of a staff. Time signature is used to tell how many beats are contained in each bar and which note is equivalent to a beat. E.g.  The number at the top in time signature indicates how many beats are in every bar while the number at the bottom indicates the kind of musical note in each bar. Types of time signature 1. Simple time signature. 2. Compound time signature. 3. Complex time signature.