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  What is choreography? Choreography is the art the art of creating and arranging and organizing different dance moves into sequences and patterns that can be done to a specific song, beat, or melody. Choreography can also be referred to as the art or practice of designing choreographic sequences. Help the students understand that choreography is important in dance because it helps enhances the beauty of the dance.  Elements Of Choreography: -           Time.                                           * Transition.                              -           Energy.                                        * Sequence. -           Space.                                          * Relationship. -           Shapes.                                              * Partnering. -           Action/movement.                           * Contrast. -            Repetition.                                * Leading. Types Of Choreography: a.        Improvised choreography: This is a
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  What is form of music? In music, form  of music is referred to as the structure and organization of any musical composition.   Types Of Musical Forms: a.        Strophic form. b.       Binary form. c.       Ternary form. d.       Rondo form e.       Medley or Chain For        Variational  form .        Sonata-allegro  form . Etc. Strophic Form Strophic Form  is a type of musical form when only one phrase or passage is repeated throughout the piece. It can also be also be referred to as verse-repeating form or chorus form because it doesn’t vary at all. A good example of a piece that uses strophic form is Amazing Grace. A AA Binary Form A piece with  Binary Form  has two sections that are approximately equal in length and importance. They tend to be similar not only in length but will often in harmony too. It is written as either: A B or A A B B A good example of a piece written that uses Binary Form is the folk song Green sleeves. Ternary Form Any music piece that is divi


What is rehearsal? Rehearsal is a period in which actors and actresses practice and memories their dialogues of a play before performing it. Help the children understand that rehearsal is a period of training and instruction for the characters in preparation for a production. Activities involved in a drama rehearsal. a.       a.  .  Reading.          b. Movement.           c. Acting.             d. Expression.         e. Communication. Etc. Stages of drama rehearsal. -           Reading rehearsal: The first stage of rehearsal. During this period actors read their scripts well with the director for proper analysis and understanding. -         Blocking rehearsal: This is the stage of rehearsal where the director gives the actors movements and actions on stage. It is one of the most important aspect of drama rehearsal since it involves the director telling actors what to do with their lines and movements. -           Run through / polishing rehearsal: This is the stage of rehears


  What is stage production? Stage production is a play or performance done on stage rather than broadcast or made into a film. Stages Of Stage Production: -       -   Find a Script : Naturally, the first step is to decide which play you will be producing. -       -  Figure Out the Nitty Gritty: This step involves several smaller but equally-pivotal steps -     -  Audition / Casting : Auditions let the director and producer find actors who are able to fill the needed  roles . -   - Rehearsals : The stage where actors practice their scripts and learn their moves on stage before production or performance. -           Publicity and Opening Night :


  What are accidentals in music? An are musical symbols used to modify the pitch of musical notes in written piece of music notation.  There are different types of accidentals in music but the following are the three the three most commonly used accidentals in music. 1. Sharp sign. 2. Flat sign. 3. Natural sign. These three music accidental can turn a pitch sharp, flat, or back to its natural state. - Sharp Sign : It is used to raise the value of a musical note or pitch by a semitone.  - Flat Sign : The flat sign is used to reduce the value of a pitch or musical not by a semitone. - Natural Sign : A natural sign is used to restore or bring back the value of a modified musical note back to its original position.

VOICE for Year 1

  What is voice? The voice is a natural musical instrument given to us by God. It is divided into four major parts namely: Soprano Alto Tenor Bass A person who sing is called a SINGER.  Singing can be done by anyone, man, woman, boy, girl e.t.c.  Below, we have pictures of singers from different age groups; A song on the VOICE: The voice is an instrument given to us by God The voice is an instrument given to us by God SOPRANO is the first one ALTO is the second one TENOR is next to it and  BASS is the last!


  What is a stage in drama? A stage is a space in a theatre or hall where theatrical performances are carried out. It is a focal point for the members of the audience.   TYPES OF STAGE ·          Proscenium stage ·          Theatre in the round ·          Platform stage ·          Thrust stage ·          Open air theatres   STAGE DIRECTION / PARTS OF THE STAGE The stage is divided into the following sections; ·          The up stage right ·          Up stage center ·          Up stage left ·          Right stage center ·          Center stage ·          Left stage ·          Down stage right ·          Down stage center ·          Down stage left  DIAGRAM OF THE STAGE The diagram bellow is a picture of the stage and its directions.