What is choreography? Choreography is the art the art of creating and arranging and organizing different dance moves into sequences and patterns that can be done to a specific song, beat, or melody. Choreography can also be referred to as the art or practice of designing choreographic sequences. Help the students understand that choreography is important in dance because it helps enhances the beauty of the dance. Elements Of Choreography: - Time. * Transition. - ...
What is form of music? In music, form of music is referred to as the structure and organization of any musical composition. Types Of Musical Forms: a. Strophic form. b. Binary form. c. Ternary form. d. Rondo form e. Medley or Chain For Variational form . Sonata-allegro form . Etc. Strophic Form Strophic Form is a type of musical form when only one phrase or passage is repeated throughout the piece. It can also be also be referred to as verse-repeating form or chorus form because it doesn’t vary at all. A good example of a piece that uses strophic form is Amazing Grace. A AA Binary Form A piece with Binary Form has two sections that are approximately equal in length and importance. They tend to be similar not only in length b...