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Showing posts from June, 2020


What Is A Great Staff? A great staff is also known as a grand staff . It has eleven lines and ten spaces . E.g. The great staff or the grand staff has eleven lines and ten spaces because it consists of two different staves with five lines and four spaces each . The treble staff and the bass staff are the two staves used to make a great staff and these two staves are joined together with a brace . E. G.  There is a broken line in a great staff and the broken line in a great staff is called the "middle C' . In a great staff or in music, the treble staff is used for notating  high pitched sound while the bass staff is used to notate low pitched sound.


What is a rest in music? A rest in music is a period of silence. A rest in music can also be referred to as a type of symbol that indicates that musicians should not play and that there should be silence. All kinds of music note such as the breve, crochet, minim etc has its corresponding rest symbol and they have the same value. TYPES OF REST Semibreve Rest (Whole Note Rest) A semibreve rest (or whole note rest) is drawn as a small rectangle that hangs off the fourth line from the top of the stave.  It has a value of four beats, the same as a semibreve note. Minim Rest (Half Note Rest) The minim rest (or half note rest) is a small rectangle that is very similar to the semibreve rest but, instead of hanging from the fourth line, it sits on the third (3rd) line of the stave. It has a value of two beats, the same as a minim note. Crochet Rest (Quarter Note Rest) A crotchet rest also known as a quarter note rest. It’s drawn or placed on the third line of a staff.  It has a value o...


Major keys with flat signs : In this lesson, we are going to learn about major keys with flat signs. There are seven keys that makes use of signs in music and t includes the following;  1. F major – 1 flat: Bb There is one flat in the key of F major. That flat is Bb. The notes of this key are F G A Bb C D E. 2. B b major – 2 flats: Bb Eb There are two flats in the key of B flat major. These flats are Bb and Eb. The notes of this key are Bb C D Eb F G A. 3. Eb major – 3 flats: Bb Eb Ab There are three flats in the key of E flat major. These flats are Bb, Eb and Ab. The notes of this key are Eb F G Ab Bb C D. 4. Ab major – 4 flats: Bb Eb Ab Db There are four flats in the key of A flat major. These flats are Bb, Eb, Ab and Db. The notes of this key are are Ab Bb C Db Eb F G. 5. Db major – 5 flats: Bb Eb Ab Db Gb There are five flats in the key of D flat major. These flats are Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb. The notes of this key are Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C. 6. Gb major – 6 flats: Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb ...


What is a scale ? A scale is a succession of eight musical notes in ascending and descending order. It can also be defined as a series of eight notes arranged from tonic to octave in ascending and descending order. TYPES OF MUSICAL NOTES 1. Diatonic scales 2. Chromatic scales  3. Pentatonic scales In this class we ate going to focus on diatonic scales. What is a diatonic scale? A diatonic scale has seven distinct pitch classes or tones. Each octave in a diatonic scale has five whole steps and two half steps. There are two types of diatonic scale; a. Major scale. b. Minor scale. In this class, we are going to concentrate on major scales. What is a major scale? A major scale consists of eight notes with semitones occurring between the 3rd & 4th and 7th & 8th degrees of  scale. The intervals between other notes of a major scales full tones. Examples of major scales are C major, G major, D major. etc. Steps In Constructing A Major Scale . There are five steps to take when ...


What are key signatures ? Key signatures are sharp or flat signs placed at the beginning of a staff after the clef sign. A key signature is used to tell the key of a piece of music. E. g.  A key signature designates notes that are to be played higher or lower in a piece of music. Key signatures are written with sharp (#) or flat (b) signs. TYPES OF KEY SIGNATURES There are two types of key signature. 1. The major key signature. 2. The minor key signature. Both the majors keys and minor keys make use of sharp or flat signs.  In this lessons we are going to concentrate on major keys with sharp signs. Table of major keys with sharp signs The staff bellow shows different major key signatures that uses sharp signs.


Names Of Musicals Notes And Their Equivalent beat Value E very musical note has a value. A musical note value indicates the relative duration of a note.  In this lesson, we shall learn about the note value of all the musical notes and also learn about their American names. The diagram bellow explains different musical notes value, their British and American name. Whole Note or Semibreve The first note we shall look at is a whole note, also called a semibreve. It has a hollow head and no stem. It lasts for a duration of four beats or counts. Half Note or Minim The half note is also called a minim. Its head is hollow and it has a stem. It lasts for two beats or counts. Quarter Note or Crotchet A quarter note or crotchet has a solid head and a stem. It has a time value of one beat or count. Eighth Note or Quaver An eighth note is also called a quaver has a solid head, a stem and a flag. Eighth notes can be beamed together. It lasts for half a beat and receives half a beat or count. Th...


Class: Year 8  What is a Monologue? A  monologue  is a speech given by a  single character  in a story. In drama, it is the vocalization of a character’s thoughts.  Types Of Monologue Dramatic monologue : A dramatic monologue is a  speech that is directed to the audience or another character. It can be formal or informal. It can be funny or serious; but it is always significant in both length and purpose. In ternal monologue:  An internal monologue is a character’s thoughts so that the audience can witness (or read, in literature) what is going on inside that character’s mind. It is sometimes referred to as “stream-of-consciousness". Soliloquy monologue:   A soliloquy is a speech that a character   gives to himself just as if no one else is listenin to him or her.   Basically, a  soliloquy  is a kind of monologue that captures a character talking to himself. Importance Of Monologue A Monologues is useful in a dra...


Class: Year 3 The five lines and four spaces of a music staff are represented with a specific letter name depending on the clef sign placed at the beginning of the staff . The treble clef and the bass clef are the two most commonly used clef. Until a clef is placed on a staff, the staff can not be used to document musical ideas.  The Treble Staff When a treble clef sign is placed on an empty staff the staff becomes a treble staff. The treble clef is placed on the second line of a staff. The Bass Staff The bass clef is also called the F staff . It is placed in the fourth line of a staff. When the bass clef is placed on an empty staff, the staff becomes a bass staff. Assignment 1. Fix in treble and bass clef on the empty staff provided below.


Class: Year 7 What are key signatures ? Key signatures are sharp or flat signs placed at the beginning of a staff after the clef sign. A key signature is used to tell the key of a piece of music. E. g.  A key signature designates notes that are to be played higher or lower in a piece of music. Key signatures are written with sharp (#) or flat (b) signs. TYPES OF KEY SIGNATURES There are two types of key signature. 1. The major key signature. 2. The minor key signature. Both the majors keys and minor keys make use of sharp or flat signs.  In this lessons we are going to concentrate on major keys with sharp signs. Table of major keys with sharp signs The staff bellow shows different major key signatures that uses sharp signs. ANALYSIS C major – 0 sharps There are no sharps or flats in the key of C major. The notes of this key are C D E F G A B. G major – 1 sharp: F# There is one sharp in the key of G major. That sharp is F#. The notes of this key are G A B C D E F#. D major – 2 ...