Through this simple activities such as clapping, tapping, humming, moving the body, man got inspired and started making music. The early man shared feeling through music especially during their free time or at night after a hectic day at the farm. As time went on, humans used the useful materials they found around them to make musical instruments to make their music beautiful.
Meaning of music?
Music is defined as the combination of sound in a manner that is pleasant to the ear.
Music is called ''Universal Language''. This is because everyone enjoys music. Humans also use it to to express their feelings.
There are three classes of music. They are;
a. Vocal music: Vocal music is a kind of music performed by one person or a group of people with voice with or without instrumental accompaniment.
b. Instrumental music: Instrumental music is a kind of music performed with the use of musical instruments only without the voice singing.
c. Dance music: It a music for dance and body expression. It involves both playing musical instruments and singing.
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