What is an orchestra? An orchestra is defined as a group pf instrumentalist or musicians who or perform or play music together. It is a kind of music ensemble that combines different kinds of musical instruments from different families. An orchestra is usually led by a person called the conductor. PICTURE OF AN ORCHESTRA TYPES OF ORCHESTRA 1. Symphony orchestra : This is a large ensemble composed of wind, string, brass, and percussion instruments and organized to perform classical music. 2. Chamber orchestra: This is a smaller section of orchestra consisting of all the families but in smaller number. 3. String orchestra: This is an orchestra consisting solely of a string section made up of bowed instruments. 4. Brass orchestra: This is a type of orchestra that has only brass instruments in it. 5. Woodwind orchestra 6. Jazz orchestra etc. INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORCHESTRA Violin Clarinet Flute Trumpet Oboe Viola Cello Tuba Piccolo French horn As...